An unfolding investigation in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, revolves around a private plane discovered carrying over $5 million in cash, counterfeit gold, along with firearms and ammunition. The aircraft’s origin from Cairo, Egypt, is established, yet a cloud of uncertainty shrouds its purpose and ownership.
While the flight’s trajectory is known, the parties responsible remain unidentified—neither in Egypt nor Zambia does anyone acknowledge chartering the plane or claiming ownership of its contents.
This enigmatic scenario has given rise to a web of speculations and conjectures. Could the involved individuals be influential figures within Egyptian or Zambian political and military circles? Is this incident a solitary event, or does it signify the exposure of an intricate series of flights?
What stands as confirmed information is the appearance of five Egyptians and six Zambians before a Lusaka magistrate’s court on Monday, in connection to the incident. Charges brought against them include smuggling and corrupt practices, while the Zambian group faces additional espionage allegations. Among the Zambian detainees stands an official from State House, the presidential residence and office. However, no pleas were entered during the court proceedings.
The unfolding of this perplexing situation into public awareness is owed to a diligent journalist and their fact-checking platform, Matsda2sh. Their accusations of Egyptian official involvement in the incident have played a crucial role in shedding light on this intricate puzzle.