
Female Genital Mutilation in Ghana: A Question for the Gods

Female genital mutilation, also known as female genital cutting, is a practice that involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It is a cultural tradition that has been passed down for generations in some African countries, including Ghana. However, this practice has been a subject of controversy and has been condemned globally by human rights organizations.

In Ghana, female genital mutilation is prevalent in some regions, particularly in the Upper East, Upper West, and Northern Regions. The practice is deeply rooted in the culture and is often considered a rite of passage for young girls into womanhood. It is believed that female genital mutilation makes girls more marriageable, obedient, and respectful to their husbands.

The practice of female genital mutilation is not only physically harmful but also has emotional and psychological effects on the victim. Girls who undergo the procedure often experience pain, bleeding, infections, and even death. The psychological impact of female genital mutilation includes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

Despite the health risks and the global condemnation of female genital mutilation, some communities in Ghana still practice it. This is mainly due to cultural beliefs and the fear of going against tradition. However, there are efforts by organizations such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Ghanaian government to end the practice.

One significant step towards ending female genital mutilation in Ghana is education. Girls need to be taught about their rights and the harmful effects of female genital mutilation. Communities that still practice female genital mutilation need to be educated on the dangers of the practice and given alternative cultural practices that do not harm girls.

Additionally, laws need to be put in place to criminalize female genital mutilation and punish offenders. The Ghanaian government has made some progress in this area, with the passage of the Domestic Violence Act in 2007, which prohibits female genital mutilation. However, there is still a need for stronger enforcement of the law.

In conclusion, female genital mutilation is a harmful cultural practice that needs to be eliminated in Ghana. Education and awareness campaigns need to be intensified, and laws need to be strengthened to protect girls and women from this practice. It is time for Ghana to address this question for the gods and put an end to this harmful practice once and for all.

Written by Sylvester Dordzi

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